Important Factors to Consider When Buying a New Home in 2020

Important Factors to Consider When Buying a New Home in 2020

Purchasing a new home can not only provide a sense of fulfillment and years of enjoyment, but it can also be a great investment, as the price of real estate has consistently ridden market highs and lows to appreciate in value, given enough time.

However, as with any investment, you need to conduct thorough research prior to committing your hard-earned dollars to avoid getting yourself into a money pit that causes one headache after another.

Therefore, the following factors should be considered when searching for a new home in 2020.

Check on the Condition of the Roof

old tile roof

The roof provides initial defense in the face of weather and a preliminary insulation source for your home. Despite this importance in the home’s overall integrity, it often gets overlooked by home shoppers in favor of less important amenities.

Most homes are roofed in asphalt shingles. While this material looks good from a distance, traditional shingles are known to wear out in less than 20 years as asphalt granules get washed away in the face of wind and heavy rains. 

Therefore, if a home is approaching 20 years old and has not had its asphalt roof replaced, it is likely to start developing leaks that will necessitate a replacement shortly after you close on the house. However, if the roof has recently been replaced with innovative synthetic shingles, you can feel confident that the roof will remain sound for years to come.

Ask About Kitchen Renovations

Many buyers make their decision as to whether or not they will buy a home based on their impression of the kitchen. If you are one of these people, then you will want to make sure that a favorable first impression will hold up under closer scrutiny.

Kitchens are among the most frequently remodeled areas of a home, with upgrades commonly being needed for the following reasons:

  • A switch to more energy-efficient appliances
  • Increased space to accommodate a growing family
  • Islands and countertops that become cracked and stained due to heavy use

If it seems like a home is due for a kitchen remodel, then you will want to factor that into the final purchase cost. Your renovation should include upgrades that will save money and increase resale value should you put the home back on the market, so look into the cost and colors of quartz countertops, as these versatile surfaces are resistant to the staining and cracking concerns prevalent in granite and marble fabrications.

The Siding Provides More than a Pretty Face

2 men on ladders painting the siding of a house

Lap siding generally refers to any form of horizontal siding in which the boards appear to overlap one another. It is one of the most commonly used siding materials on the market and provides an attractive facade for many types of homes.

While you undoubtedly want the siding on a house to look good, curb appeal does not tell the whole story. Homes sided with freshly painted wood siding, or recently installed vinyl, may look attractive to buyers, but they may not provide premium durability.

Traditional wood siding requires an extremely high degree of maintenance, as it is susceptible to moisture issues, such as rot, mold, and fungus, if left untreated. This adds significant upkeep costs that should be factored in with the purchase price of the home, as it should be painted or oiled every few years.

Vinyl is a lower-cost solution that helps solve some of the moisture-related issues but commonly presents its own set of expensive problems, as it is made of a very thin material with no solid backing that is known to crack when hit with heavy moisture or cold temperatures and melt in the presence of extreme heat.

The best siding is made of fiber cement, as it is nearly indistinguishable from natural wood, provides outstanding insulation, and will not degrade from weather exposure, limiting the amount homeowners will have to spend in future upkeep.
Matt Lee is the owner of the Innovative Building Materials blog and a content writer for the building materials industry. He is focused on helping fellow homeowners, contractors, and architects discover materials and methods of construction that save money, improve energy efficiency, and increase property value.

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